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Announcing the 2025 Conference!

The 2025 Pikes Peak Writers Conference is May 2-4, 2025 and we want to see you there! This year, we’re looking at the present and future of publishing with our theme THE FUTURE IS NOW. So look at where you are in your career and where you want to be and let us help you chart your course to the stars. Don’t be a Red Shirt! Let us help you soar to success!

Our confirmed keynotes are: New York Times bestseller thriller author, John Gilstrap, Colorado’s own award winning Urban Fantasy author, David R. Slayton and USA Today bestselling author, Avery Flynn as well as our Featured Author, Alexandra Diaz, writer of English and Spanish language children’s books and Featured Professional, Ricardo Fayet, author and co-founder of Reedsy.

Our agents and editors come from all over and represent the industry from the Big Five in New York to smaller presses.

If you have a workshop idea you’d like to see at conference or one you’d like to teach, pitch it before September 29 on our portal.

The more workshops you propose, the more likely you’ll be chosen for faculty. We pay travel, hotel, food and conference fees plus a small honorarium if we select you to present at least three workshops.

Registration opens November 1.

The website will be updated throughout the year as we nail down speakers, teachers, agents, editors and workshops, so please keep checking back. As always feel free to reach out to me with questions or conference ideas.

Peace & Prose, Jenny Kate, PPWC Director