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A Peek at all the PPWC Extras

PPWC has always offered a full 3-days of workshops and activities.  This year we’re offering even more.  Take a peek:

Thursday night, April 26 at 7 p.m. in the Marriott Library, editor Deb Werksman from Sourcebooks will be offering “Stitch, Pitch and Color” free to all conference attendees.  You can color with her, pitch your book, work on your crocheting and discuss the business of writing.  You don’t want to miss this!

Saturday evening, April 28 from 5:45 – 7:00 p.m., we’ll once again offer “Write Drunk, Edit Sober.”  For an extra charge of $25, you can fill one of the 40 slots available in the library to sample beer and write to prompts offered by the wonderful Deb Courtney.  Then on Sunday morning, take the workshop to edit what you’ve written and see how you can take your work even further.

There will be a get-together offered for current and previous Zebulon (or any other incarnation of the PPWC contest) winners on Saturday, April 28 at 6:00 p.m. in Eagles Nest.  This is a chance for all winners to share their experiences in the writing world and network on how best to proceed.

Damon Smithwick will once again host the Open Mic session on Friday night, April 27, after dinner (9:00 p.m.) in Aspen Leaf.  This is a good time to get your work before others.

The Newcomer’s Orientation will be offering both Friday and Saturday mornings in Eagles Nest at 8:00 a.m.  Learn what to do and what not to do and how to get the most out of your conference experience.

Circle this on your schedule now.  A booksigning featuring all PPWC faculty will be offered in Aspen Leaf on Saturday from 5:45 – 7:00 p.m.  It will be open to the public as well for those fans of Jim Butcher, Jonathan Maberry, Mary Robinette Kowal and Laurell Kaye Hamilton.

Our Flash Fiction Contest will start Friday after an announcement at lunch with all entries turned in before dinner on Saturday.  The winner will be announced at Sunday lunch.

Handouts will be free this year but only available in soft copy.  A URL will be made available before conference so you can download and print off those handouts you want in hard copy.

Our on-site fund-raising for the PPWC Scholarship Fund will offer two special ways to help out.  Buy a $10 pen and win a prize valued from $10 and up.  Or go on a “Blind Date with a Book” by offering a donation to select a book based on its brown paper cover.

Can’t wait to see you at PPWC 2018!!